medTRANS on Tour: Introduction
August 1 & 6, 2024 · Virtual

Key Takeaways of a Group Captive
In preparation for the medTRANS on Tour events, we’ll share our key takeaways for you, your clients, and your future clients. This virtual event is designed for health plan consultants who are bullish about captive insurance. Two presentations are available on LinkedIn Live.
After this introductory session you’ll gain valuable insights.
- As a captive manager, we will cut through the sales propaganda regarding captive options in the market today.
- Group captive, cell captive, PORC, single parent captive, etc.
- How can we empower you to have more robust financial conversations with the C-Suite?
- Believe it or not, NOT ALL employers should invest in a captive solution.
- Employers hear from their peers how great a captive solution is, but are these employers asking the right questions?
- Let’s talk about the Q/A cheat sheet every employer and consultant must see before investing in a captive
- medTRANS on the Move seeks to empower health plan consultants with detailed insights on what captive insurance is and is not and how to find the right fit.
- Empower your clients and future clients who have expressed interest in captive insurance to ask the right questions before signing on the dotted line!