medTRANS on Tour: Orlando

October 3 & 4, 2024 · Orlando, FL

medTRANS On Tour

Group Captives Are a Hot New Topic!

Employers are getting caught up in all the hype, but without proper vetting, investing in a captive solution could involve more sunk costs than benefits. Our two-day event will empower the health plan consultant who endeavors to understand captives better than their competition and to embolden employers to ask better questions.

Event Details

  • October 3 and October 4, 2024
  • Orlando, FL

Who Should Attend?

  • Health plan consultants with employers
  • Ideally: Owner, CFO or Controller

At our event, both consultants and employees will walk away with:

  1. The ability to articulate between a reinsurance captive and a direct writer captive.
  2. Understand corporate structure, governance and controls specific to captive insurance. Having governance does not equal control!
  3. How GAAP is brought into the different types of captive structures?
  4. Capital vs. Collateral – what is the difference and how it gets reported on the balance sheets (and taxed)?
  5. The difference between risk transfer and risk financing. Which one is better for the sophisticated employer?
  6. Understand what qualities make an insurance carrier profitable and how to implement as part of your solution.
Rosen Shingle Creek
Credit Rosen Shingle Creek

Rosen Shingle Creek

Minutes away from Orlando’s world-famous attractions, the Rosen Shingle Creek Hotel offers comfort, luxury and exceptional service.

Agenda at a Glance

Join us for this can’t miss event!